Sunday, August 8, 2010

Crappy Week but a few fun Pics

Hi Team,

This week has not been so much fun, but that's typical for the week of my chemo. All I have to say is I am very glad that God made percocet. Despite it's unpleasant digestive side effects.

The Happiness Project book was good for the first few chapters, but I got a little bored of it about halfway through because she continually sites all these "experts" on happiness about studies that have been done and statistics that show how people get happy, etc. I was more interested in her personal journey, but got a little tired of all the studies and stats. I've switched now to a funnier book my friend Addie was laughing out loud to - "My Fair Lazy" by Jen Lancaster.

Posting a few pics that I had saved to share with you all - Addie and myself and mom went to a salsa dancing lesson the night before my last chemo. Then another pic of Anthony and I at my last chemo. I have my "get me the hell out of here and never bring me back" smile on - I guess as happy as you can be while getting infused with dangerous chemicals. We always joke w/ the chemo nurses because they finish putting these bags of chemicals directly into my jugular vein, then they remove them from the IV stand with gloves and carefully dispose of the bags in these secure BD sanitation "hazardous materials" bins. Yes make sure nobody touches those, they are dangerous, could kill someone!
Anthony and I at my last chemo:

Kinda blurry but Addie and I the night before my last chemo:



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