Thursday, July 8, 2010

Hi Team, Weekly Update

Hi Team,

It's been a while since I was on here, partially because I've been busy and partially because I just didn't have much exciting news to report. I've been on the upswing of my chemo symptoms, seems like the soreness lasts about 1.5-2 weeks, started wearing off last Friday for this time around. Last few times it felt like there was a specific day where the 'fog' just lifted and I felt lighter, but this time it was a lot more gradual. I was starting to feel better on Thurs/Friday but every once in a while would get a sharp shooting pain or cramp in my muscles. I guess nothing major that I can't handle, but I like it better when it's just gone entirely, I'm that demanding. :)

Fourth of July weekend was nice, didn't too too much exciting as I've still been pretty tired, but we did have a nice bonfire on ocean beach with a few friends. I forget how delicious smores are. Of course now I have a hard time burning the marshmallows to a crisp since that black stuff after you burn something is a carcinogen, which is directly linked with cell mutations and altering DNA, and therefore linked to cancer-causing mutations. But... with limited burned marshmallows, smores are still delicious.

Monday Anthony and his daughter Sandra came up to San Francisco (from Huntington Beach, where they live) for her 10th bday. We had a fun get together on Monday night at my apartment, and I'll share a few pics w/ you all. Yesterday my downstair neighbor said, was everything ok? I heard a really loud thud the other night - I said, oh yes we were playing twister for Sandra's bday. We also had a nice day at the park on Tuesday despite the gloomy SF weather.

Now that I'm feeling better, I feel like I can really say... 4 down, only 2 more to go! Of course once I get closer to my next chemo (next Tues) I will probably feel more like saying 'this sucks, I don't want to do it 2 more times,' but at least it is really only 2 more times now.

I also decided to have a party/get together after my last chemo before my mastectomy. I found a good idea off the 'Young Survival Coalition' bulliten boards, to have a "Ta-ta to the Tatas" party. So, for anyone that's in the SF area, Saturday Aug. 21st, join us at Lush Lounge on Polk and Sutter around 8pm. It will be their normal cash-only bar, but mom and I will bring some snacks since they don't serve food. All are welcome, as long as you're over 21 of course! You can rub my bald head before my hair starts growing back in (can't wait for that!) and help me say bye-bye to my boobies. In all truth, I'm not sure if I'm just taking one or both yet, but either way, a good excuse for a party.



  1. We have been just waiting and waiting for ANY news. :o) Nothing is too trivial because we are here and interested in your recovery.

    LOVE the photo of Sandra kissing your head. Aww, what a sweetie!

    heart to mom, too

  2. Hey Amy, before I had my tata party, I got a photographer to take pics of me nude. It was fricking great (but I had to take some shots of vodka to relax). You might want to consider it if you are in the mood . . . it is sort of nice now to remember what I used to look like :)

  3. Oooh good idea Dana - I kinda wish I did that before I was bald too though. Will have to look into it.
