Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Graduation and Nipples

Hi Team,

Thought I would share a funny dr. appointment I had last week.  I had my annual checkup w/ Dr. Langer at Kaiser (my breast surgeon).  She did an exam for me, asked me some questions about how I've been feeling and declared me graduated!  Yay!  That means that I will still go to see my oncologist for checkups (until I hit the 5 year mark) but I've been doing well enough that she doesn't also need to see me anymore.

Separately she was looking at my boobs, the reconstruction and said, hmmm they look great - but you need some nipples on there.  (right now they are nipple-less, only scars across the front)  "Why haven't you gotten nipples yet?"  Of course I didn't have a good answer for this question other than 'uhhh I dunno too lazy'?  But I said, yes I do think I want to get some, just to make me look somewhat a little more normal when I'm naked.  (With all the positivity that someone else will be seeing me naked).  So she brought the plastic surgeon, Dr. Simonds in the office to discuss nipples.

Both Dr. Langer and Dr. Simonds stand there to discuss nipples with me, while I am sitting on the doctors table with no shirt on.  Dr. Simonds explained that it is a procedure done in the hospital, but not under general anesthesia, just conscious sedation.  I said, 'Oh, versed is the drug they use for that right?'  To which he gave me a 'hmmm are you an addict' weird face.  Oh well :)  So then Dr. Simonds explained to me the choices - he can just cut two flaps of skin and fold them over each other to make a nipple-like protrusion and then tattoo some color on for an areola.  He doesn't seem to like this because he said the nipple flaps of skin have a tendency to go flat after a year or two, then you have to do it again and/or what is the point.  Apparently they have a new thing, where they have a piece of material they can put in there, it is actual flesh material from a pig, about the size and shape of a pellet of rabbit food.  They put that in so the skin can scar around it, and it is more sturdy to hold up over time, but still feels and looks like real flesh.  Then of course still tattoo an areola on around that.

I after a slightly awkward pause of contemplation, I asked Dr. Simonds "Hmm Pig nipples huh?" and he says, "I really do think they look better and will definitely stand up the test of time."  I said, "Well, how big are these implants?  I don't want to look like I have headlights on all the time."  Dr. Simonds says, "Well, you'll be able to cover them up with a bra, but probably not with a wet t-shirt."  At which point, Dr. Langer, who has just been sitting quietly contemplating the conversation bursts out laughing and turns bright red.  Now mind you, she is a breast specialist surgeon.  She has dealt with many many cases and deals only with breasts, all day long.  She says "You're making me blush!"  Haha success!

Anyway, I decided to go with the implants, probably won't do the surgery until later this year with scheduling, etc.  Another small step towards a more normal life/body~



  1. Nice article, thanks for the information.

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