Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Pathology Results from Surgery: Great News

Hi All,

So we knew the tumor had shrunk from my chemo, just from feeling it get smaller along the way. We knew the initial look at the lymph node during surgery was cancer free (but that was just an initial look, not final results). AND we knew that during surgery, they would be removing all the cancerous tissue so that after surgery I would be cancer free. We hoped that there would also be good margins around the area that had cancerous tissue so that the doctors felt comfortable about saying we didn't need to do any more treatment (ie. if it was too close to the chest wall, I might still have had to do radiation).

Let me share the email I got from my surgeon this morning:

"Hello, Wonderful news! You had a complete pathologic response to chemotherapy. No invasive cancer left. The lymph node is also free of disease. We should have a finalized pathology report by the end of this week. I will email it to you. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!"

Translation: My chemotherapy did such a good job that they found NO cancer in the tissue they removed from my breasts. Not only did they get good margins on what they removed, they found zero cancer since my body reacted so well to the chemo. This almost never happens (as my oncologist told me a while back). Also, lymph nodes definitely clear.

This is wonderful news and now we can really celebrate. Not only did I get rid of it, but we KICKED its ass. Majorly.



  1. CONGRATULATIONS MY LOVE! truly much to be thankful for... can't wait to see you tomorrow evening. you are kick ass ;)

  2. Awesome Amy!!! You're a cancer ninja!

  3. Congrats Amy, You're damm right you kicked ass!

  4. Awesome, awesome news Amy!!! We love you, dad

  5. You have shut the door on the cancer and opened the next door into the rest of your new life! This is the good, good news we have been waiting for! You did it! (heart)

  6. YEA!!! Congratulations!!! We're SO happy for you!!! :)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. WOO HOO!!! In addition to being an all-around superstar, it appears you are also a cancer-specific superstar! Way to go!! Congrats!

  9. I was so thrilled when Lynn called me yesterday to tell me the great news. I just knew in my heart that you would beat this. Prayer works and miracles happen! Love, Jan

  10. I am totally crying my eyes out as I read this !! I am so happy for you :) You are amazing and strong and you KICKED CANCERs Ass !! Love you

  11. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!! Bust out those fabulous cancer-kicking boots and go celebrate! Wish I could be there to join in the celebration. Lots of love!!! :)

  12. Amy, I just heard about this earlier this week and have read through your story. What a story! I'm so proud of how you've beat this and am so excited everything appears to be moving along so well for you. We can't wait to have you back at work :)

  13. That is great! I am so happy for you.

  14. Can you post week pics showing the progress of your hair growing out?
