Sunday, October 24, 2010

My New Perspective

Hi Team,

So I was smiling silently to myself this morning and thought I would share with you all. I was recently going over my credit card statement for last month and realized there were a bunch of charges on Sept. 17th from Xbox Live that I didn't make... I haven't been totally with the program so I didn't notice until now going over all my line items. So, I called in today to dispute the charges, not too alarmed because there are not any other fraudulent charges on my account.

I went through all the info with the lady at the bank and here is a snippet of our conversation:

Me: "I didn't make these charges, and I need them disputed and credited back. I was actually in the hospital on that day and there's no way that would have been charged."

BofA Customer Service nice Lady: "Oh you know, I have so many friends that have had to go to the hospital lately. I have this bug that hasn't gone away for almost a month now, I think it might be my asthma or maybe bronchitis."

Me: Silence.

Me: Resisting urge to say "Oh yeah, mine was breast cancer and I was having both my boobs cut off"

Me: Mentally debating just saying "Well, I'm sure you'll survive"

Me: Finally mentally landed on the understanding option, I said "Yeah there's a lot of that going around, I hope you feel better." ~more awkward silence~

Oh my. I am so proud of myself for not shooting down her story. I'm sure her asthma and/or bronchitis makes her uncomfortable, and hopefully she does get it checked out. Need to remind myself that even though I've gone through crazy life threatening disease does not mean other's health concerns are not valid. And there's no reason to make nice customer service lady who is getting my money credited back feel bad.

Happy Sunday!



  1. Hi Amy! I am also a blogger, your dad actually found my blog and wrote to me about yours. I can't find a link to contact you directly, but I wanted to say hello! I enjoy your blog, and hope you can check mine out some time. I also have links to a lot of other women's blogs that are going through similar stories. I would like to add yours, if that's okay?

    I know exactly how you feel about the customer service lady! You took the high road, though, and now you have something to laugh at. You look great, and I'm so happy you still can laugh at the funny things in life.

    Take care,

  2. hahahahaha. I can see you having that conversation. I can totally relate to wanting to say to someone: oh yeah? Think you've got problems? Well I've just been fighting cancer. No really,... I'm fine now, and you? Just to share a little of our new found perspective. But it IS best to be kind. You handled it great. Good job!!! Love, dad

  3. Hey Michele - I tried to go to your blog to contact you (in the "contact us") part, but it gave me an error when I tried to submit - Anyhow, your videos were very helpful to me - it was extremely comforting to find more detailed info. And, yes I would be honored to be listed and please contact me anytime at alangenstein at gmail dotcom. Hope you're doing well!! Amy
