Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend

Hi Team,

Memorial Day weekend was fantastic, I went to see Sex and the City 2 on Friday night, then just hung out with Michelle and Kristina most of the weekend. We went to a baseball game yesterday which was supposed to be a good game, but ended up with the giants getting their butts kicked. They were going against the best pitcher in the league anyway, so it was fun to watch. The stadium was definitely full and I haven't been to a baseball game since last October, so I really had a nice time.

Haven't sported my new blonde wig in public yet, waiting for a fun time where I'm going out to a bar or event to do it, although that hasn't been happening too often lately as I've been having an early bed time.

Today is Chemo #3... having mixed feelings about it this time around. Obviously not looking forward to feeling like shit again, but after this round I'll be halfway done with the chemo, and I am certainly looking forward to being done!



  1. Amy, it's been eight weeks since you got your diagnosis and look how far you've come! Chemo working very well and not going too badly reaction wise. Looking back, they just seem like speed bumps in the road, right? Half way there! Yahoo! Keep up the positive energy! AAA = Awesome Amazing Amy!

  2. Hope today's chemo #3 went well! The girls are there to take good care of you :) HUGS!!!

  3. Halfway done with Chemo! Way to go, Amy! You are in my thoughts and prayers and I am so inspired by your positive attitude! I hope you recover from this round quickly.

  4. Thanks girls for your encouragement. I keep reminding myself hopefully only 3 more times I have to go through feeling like this, then no more! :) Hugs to you all!

  5. hope treatment went well with no yukky stuff to deal with. .. . ..halfway done, that is a good thing!!!

  6. Hope you are feeling ok with round #3 now kicking in! Halfway is a major accomplishment already! Congrats and keep kicking butt!
