Tuesday, May 18, 2010

2nd week and still in the clear

Hi Team,

Still doing well! I keep waiting for the low low that I hit last time and still knocking on wood, but this round has been so much better than the last time around. Yesterday in my first round was the day I went to the hospital, and so far, no fever! Yay! Also, the muscle pain is not nearly as bad as last time, and the bone pain from the shot I had to take was noticeable, but not nearly as bad as some of what I've felt. So overall, very manageable. And, I've discovered that if I take 2 ativan (2-1mg lorazepam) before bed I sleep through the night, which while I understand may be encouraging an addiction, I will take that addiction instead of percocet (havent taken much of that yet at all) and accept my peaceful sleeping through the night.

I did make another stop into my hairstylist on Sunday afternoon and have her officially shave even my buzz cut down to the scalp as far as her electric razor would go. I do look totally bald now - Even the little half inch hairs were falling out ALL over the place, getting all over my hats and shirts and even down the back of my shirt during the day making it really itchy. It's SO much better now that I don't have to deal with that.

Mom went home early this morning - I'm definitely a little sad to have her leave, obviously because she's mom and nothing is better than your mom taking care of you, but also just because now I'm alone in the apartment. It's weird, when I used to live with roommates or past boyfriends I always liked living with someone, and when I moved into my own apartment it felt lonely and quiet for a while. Then I grew to really love living alone and having my personal space. I thought that when Mom came to live in my tiny apartment with me it would be a big challenge personal-space wise, but really it ended up feeling a little more like after I was living with a roommate, just kind of quiet and lonely after she's gone. I'm sure I will adjust back quickly, and plus she is coming back in a month and staying through my surgery.




  1. I'm so happy to hear that you're doing better this round--that there's no infection and less pain. I can imagine it's an odd transition back to being alone but I'll be there in a week and a half to keep you company!

  2. I'm so glad this round is going much better for you! Keep up the great attitude! :)

  3. Amy, I am glad you are feeling better. Let those meds help you. As for your hair, I am sure women have more impact than men but I think it is great that you took your own decision to cut instead of waiting to fall off -- i talked about that for my talk at HPA too. I myself just had another LP (lumber puncture) yesterday and am bit struggling with the pain and headache now. Will pass soon. take care.

  4. Hey Kenji,

    Yea for some reason it was just a lot better this time around, i'm hoping that becomes a pattern. Was the LP diagnostic or to releave pressure? How have you been overall?? If you want to email instead my email is alangenstein@gmail.com


  5. Its great to hear that this round is more manageable! Keep on doing what youre doing. If I've learned anything the past couple of weeks its, if your body talks, youd better listen!
