Saturday, May 15, 2010

So Far So Good!

Hi Team,

All is well here in San Francisco, I've been feeling not too bad this time around really - I haven't hit the lowest point in my cycle yet (probably next Monday through Thurs or so) but so far the muscle pain hasn't been as bas as last time around. Some soreness and tastebuds going numb, but maybe the super-expensive Neulasta shot is helping me feel better. I'm also noticing that getting up and about and not sitting on my ass all day long does help! Amazing how that works, I'm not as sore when I move my body, something for all of us to remember!

This week have just been visiting with friends mostly and cleaning my apartment out some. Got rid of two big bags of books off my bookshelf yesterday, and mom took the bus down to the SF public library to donate them. She also sent a big box of books home to her in Hawaii, but because she had picked up a box at the grocery store which happened to be a 12-bottle case of 40oz. King Cobra Malt Liquor we had to make a few trips back and forth to cover up the writing on the box. FYI - can't send anything that looks to be a big box of liquor through the USPS.

To thank Mom for her ongoing caretaking and shit-work like hauling my giveaway books to the library to donate, I took her to happy hour yesterday at Moussy's, a cute French wine bar and Tapas place close to my apartment. We shared a (goat) cheese plate, mom had a glass of wine and I had iced tea. As time goes on, my short shaved head has been getting kinda patchy... I'm debating doing a totally clean shave pretty soon here, but at this point it just doesn't matter as much to me. I've been going out with hats on because it's cold, but when inside, I usually take them off - I don't care too much about people noticing my patchy head. Yesterday I had another first though - as I was paying our bill, the waiter said to me, "I'm sorry I hope you don't mind my asking, but what do you have?" The question did not register for me at first, as I was thinking... you already gave us the bill, you know what I had... Ice tea, ohhhhhh my hair. So I told him I have breast cancer, and he explained that his sister is currently undergoing chemo for lymphoma and her hair looks a lot like mine right now, and his mom just finished therapy for breast cancer. He was actually very nice and chatty, not awkward about it, but I have to say it took me by surprise. I really don't mind telling people about it, it's good to talk about it, and good PSA to have people tell their loved ones to check their boobies, but just another one of those firsts I'll have to get used to.

There was a bit of San Francisco fog setting in this morning, but am still going to get out and have lunch with a friend, get my body moving even if it's just a few blocks out of the house! I do miss all the warm sun and beaches in Kona, but I have also gotten to the point where the San Francisco fog is comforting. It looks like a blanket on the city, making it feel more homey and familiar.

Love you all,


  1. May gray and June gloom on the California coastline. If you run out of comfy fog, I'll see what I can do about sending you some from Palos Verdes. We have an over abundance year round :) So glad you are managing better this time around! (heart)

  2. I'm glad you feel good this week! It sounds like you've been more productive than me! I hope next week isn't too bad.

  3. Amy, I am so glad you are feeling better this time around. Hang in there, it will be all done before you know it.


    BTW, do you know that you write very well? :)
