Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Chemo #2 and Other fun Stuff

Hi Team,

Chemo #2 went well on Monday. They used my brand new port for the first time - it hurt a little bit because the surgery was just done on Friday and is not really healed yet, but was significantly better than getting stabbed multiple times in the arm and having damaged veins. I'm already a big fan. Here's a pic of me and Monika at the chemo room last Monday - they are using the port on my chest, and it's odd, I guess because the chemicals go straight into my jugular vein now, but I could definitely taste them a lot more as I got my infusion this time.

Also got my neulasta shots to hopefully keep me out of the hospital this time. Apparently the retail price of this drug from Amgen is over $3300 and I pay $30 - definitely had to do a double take on the receipt. Amazing what drug companies get away with! I guess it's because there is a generic where I would have to give myself a shot every day, but with the low levels my neutrophils got down to this past time, they didn't think they would be able to give me enough that way. Branded Neulasta apparently does a time-release deal that gives you more when you need it and less when it's not as needed. I gave myself the shot on Tuesday night and it was the weirdest thing, my first time ever giving myself an injection. Seems against your basic instincts once again to stab yourself with something, but really didn't hurt at all in comparison to some of these injections/IV's I've been getting. Amazing what you can do when you really have no choice.

Been having some fun despite all the chemo crap - Mom and I had a nice Mother's Day last Sunday, I was still feeling good so we went for a walk at the Marina Green, Mom got a massage, we went shopping on Union street and got her some new shoes and a Salsa dancing dress and of course crab for dinner!!

Mom, Monika and I went to see James Taylor and Carole King at the HP Pavilion on Tuesday night. Only half-way surprised me that a middle aged woman right in front of us light up a big joint right in the stadium, nobody seemed to mind though, ourselves included. Didn't stay for the whole thing, but just enough that I got my fix of 60s folk music :)

Thanks again to all of you for all your ongoing support and love coming my way, it definitely helps keep my spirits up and give me more energy! Depending on energy levels this week, I'm thinking about starting to clean out some of my books, old clothes and stuff out of my apartment, some spring cleaning. Spending so much time in this apartment makes me feel like I have way too much stuff.



  1. yaaaay! glad you got to go to a concert! your missed at work! =D also, you got a personal package here...just letting you know. Let me know if you want me to drop it off, send it with somone...etc, etc...

    sending healing vibes and positive wishes your way!


  2. I'm glad to hear things are going a bit better this time around! I'm looking forward to seeing you.

  3. It's the weekend . . .and five days out from your chemo! Hope these days have been treating you kindly. (heart)
