Monday, May 10, 2010

This is supposed to get easier right?

Hi Team,

Well today is the day I get chemo infusion #2 of six. I have to keep reminding myself that this whole process is doing more benefit than it is doing harm. It just seems so against my basic survival instincts to sit there in a chair and have toxic chemicals infused into my blood stream. Chemicals that the average person makes a concerted effort to stay away from, and chemicals that I know will make me feel like shit, have barely enough energy to walk a few blocks, make my body so sore it feels like I got hit by a bus, and drive my immune system down to nothing. It is doing more benefit than detriment. Just keep repeating it. I guess last time I was nervous but didn't really know how the side affects would be for me, and now I know so it is harder for me to go in and let them do it.

Hopefully this time will be better though - we are adding nuepogen, which will supposedly add a lot of bone pain on top of my muscle pain, but I also have percocet to help manage the pain now. So let's see how this time goes.



  1. Don't forget, you're there to kick some shit, even though sometimes it feels like the shit is kicking you, that's def not the case. You're doing awesome, and I envy that your face can pull off super short hair! The same is definitely not true for everyone. After today, you're another step closer to recovery. You're an inspiration, lady!

  2. Maureen is totally right. You are an ass kicker even if it's a tough fight. We're all rooting for you. You can do it. Just take it one day at a time

  3. This is corny but cute . . . specially for you, Amy.

    cut and paste

  4. I know that you kicked the shit out of cancer today! You go lady!

  5. Hey Amy, glad things are going so well. You seem to be doing really well mentally, and the mental stuff is the hardest part out of all of this. I think I told you before neupogen was really tough for me in the beginning, but don't be shy about the pain pills! Pain is like nausea. Better to nip it in the bud, because it is harder to walk backwards once you feel like throwing up/are in pain. And you will get used to the shots; you can give me three days of megadose (600) neupogen shots and I barely notice it at all. It is really creepy to feel your bones throb though! Keep focusing on the light at the end of the tunnel! Love, Dana

  6. Hey Amy, Sarah here just getting caught up on your last couple blogs. All good news! I hope that this second treatment fares better than the last. I don't want to hear about you being in the hospital forced to eat fried chix and hot dogs again!! They serioulsy need to do something about that btw...Love the Sinead O'conner look ;) If I didn't know you I would think you did it on purpose because you look beautiful. Stay strong. Love, Sarah

  7. Hi Amy,
    Hope things are going better this time around for you and chemo. Hang in there, almost half way done with the injections. Love the new look and Im sure Anthony does as well. Look forward to hearing good news this week. Dave

  8. Hi Amy!
    We just wanted to let you know you are in our thoughts and prayers everyday. See you at the chili cook-off! Phil and Pam

  9. Thanks all you guys - Doing good mentally, just trying to stay active even though I'm so tired and sore!! Polly v funny rap, love the guys "Murse" tshirt ha! Dana - they gave me neulasta the branded one, it was .6mg (600? not sure) but I think it's time release so don't have to do shots every day... small pleasures... :) So far no bone throbbing but it will kick in soon I'm sure. Thanks all you guys for your encouragement, and yes can't wait for the fierce competition of the chili cookoff again :-P

  10. Amy, you are in for some serious competition for the Chili Cook Off! Just fair warning...
