Monday, May 3, 2010

Feeling like a Normal Person

Hi Team,

I have a strong feeling that I'm really going to enjoy this week. I don't have any major aches and pains, no fever, and have enough energy to at least be up on my feet for a few hours without major reprocussions!

Yesterday went down to Union Square with mom - it was a beautiful sunny day and we sat on the sidewalk and read our books, caught up on a few phone calls. Then we went out to lunch at an actual restaurant - Cafe La Presse, food was mediocre, but it was MUCH better than hospital food. Then did a little shopping, browsed through the sale rack at banana republic fruitlessly and bought some fun and funky scarves at H&M for head-wrapping once I get bald. That was the extent of my energy yesterday, but it felt wonderful being out in the world, getting sun, eating at restaurants and shopping. I just feel so much more in my natural element when I'm shopping :) Will have to do some more shopping for makeup, other stuff this week. Definitely a must-do.

Started in the hospital but I'm also getting highly addicted to Grey's Anatomy - never watched it when it came out on TV but always knew I would probably like it. I'm in season 2 now where Meredith finds out Dr. McDreamy didn't sign his divorce papers..... dun dun dun.... don't any of you dare put any spoilers on here, let me have my fun!

This week no more Dr appointments until Thursday - although that will be a full day of consult w/ oncologist (Dr. Liu), doing lab blood work again and brain MRI. They have to just scan my brain to eliminate the possibility of it having spread up there since HER2+ tumors seem to have a higher tendancy to do that. I'm trying to get my port installation scheduled for Friday so I'll have my white blood cell counts from the Thurs lab tests (remember, my nutrophils have to be above 1000 to do the port) and really hopeful to have it done before the next chemo infusion a week from today!



  1. Welcome to the fabulous world of McDreamy and McSteamy addiction! Once you start you can't stop. Good thing you have 5 seasons to catch up on! :)

  2. Yea! Amy bounces back . . . always! Pace yourself, though :)

    p.s. Grey's Anatomy music is pretty good, too. Found some remarkably good artists, relatively unknown, listening to it.

  3. Ummm... how is it that we've been friends THIS LONG, and I did not know you didn't watch Grey's Anatomy???????? Or maybe you told me multiple times, and I keep forgetting? After this, you have to catch up on Private Practice, Brothers and Sisters (and my personal fave) Friday Night Lights!! Oh, gotta love pop culture! xoxoxoxo

  4. I'm glad to hear that you are feeling better! I will have to loan you my Veronica mars DVDs when I visit. Did you ever watch the oc because I have that too.

  5. geez I missed a few days of your blog--what a dramatic week for you. Glad you are out and about and feeling "normal." Enjoy the sunshine
