Saturday, May 15, 2010

Two other things I just had to share

Hi Team,

First, I was just catching up on some news and saw this article on SF gate... isn't necessary to read the whole thing, but the message really hit home. "Because life is not dress rehersal, it makes no sense not to do what you love with the people you care about." I couldn't have said it more clearly myself.

Also, Mom bought me a no-cookie and I love them. I may be an addict... thank God I have to climb up a hill to get to whole foods (granted only a 2.5 block hill, but still) to get more of them. Anyhow, they are vegan but delicious and I highly encourage all of you to try them - no wheat, no dairy, no refined sugar just pure tastiness. My personal favorite so far is the chocolate chip variety but of course that's because it has chocolate.



  1. Amy, Not sure that you'd even remember me, but I followed you as Director of PR way back when. One day your FB status about chemo showed up in my feed and I thought, "What? No way!" I have been following your story since. As creepy as that may be, I want to thank you for having the most positive outlook on everything. My mother had breast CA at a young age and I have been terrified/paranoid about it since. It is so good that you are being open and active about it. My mom always maintained that it was most helpful for her to try to exercise (walk) and to stick to as much of her normal life as possible for both her mental and physical health. I wish you all the best as you kick this little tumor's butt. I'm definitely rooting for you!

  2. Amy, this is Kenji. I am following your blog as you might already know... Keep fighting. I live in OC so let me know if I can help with anything.

  3. What a great quote!

  4. Hi Amy! Thinking of you and praying for you! Your eyes and smile look so dramatic with your new haircut! Keep up the positive attitude and call if you need anything.
