Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Happy Cinco de Mayo!

Hi Team,

Did you all know that Cinco de Mayo is not actually a Mexican holiday? As far as Anthony and I could remember, it's some famous battle that was won, but the real Mexican Independance Day is in September - I remember this very clearly because my friends Michelle, Jean and myself happened to be in Puerto Vallarta a few years back on Mexican Independance Day. Viva Mexico! All the same, today we got ourselves over to a happy hour place and had a margarita. I haven't been drinking at all during chemo, but I've been feeling good this week and still drinking lots of water, so I decided it's allowed. We discovered that McCormick and Kuleto's steak house has a pretty good happy hour 3-6pm Margaritas $4.95 (regular, peach, mango, strawberry or kiwi!) and lots of different food options between $1.95-$4.95. Anthony got a huge cheeseburger w/ fries for $2.95!

Here's a pic of all of us at Happy Hour yesterday. Our friend Elizabeth also came down to visit from Santa Rosa (although long time friend from Kona), she has deemed herself my mom's Northern California caretaker, which I am very glad for, as my mom needs a break every once in a while too!

Overall, I am very much enjoying this week - almost like I get a week off from feeling crappy and tired. I'm still more tired than I was normally before chemo, but all the major aches and pains are not there this week! Aside from my hair falling out and my taste buds being weird, I would hardly be able to tell. I do have a few things I have to get done this week though - tomorrow is another blood test and meeting with the oncologist. Hopefully we will adjust a few things. I made myself some goals for the next round of chemotherapy.
1. Keep back and muscle pain manageable, let's say 5 out of 10 instead of this past time where I definitely hit 10 out of 10 a few times.
2. Try not to get checked into the hospital. I specifically am not saying go to the hospital, because I need to be ok with going to the ER if I have a temperature, since I guess that's the right thing to do. 20 neutrophils from this past round say so anyway.
Those are really my main goals, which I'll go over w/ my onc tomorrow and hopefully come up with a game plan!

Tomorrow night I also have a brain MRI - standard test for people who have HER+ tumors. Basically another scan to make sure it hasn't spread to my brain. Also.... drumroll.... Friday, I am getting my port installed! It is a surgical procedure at the hospital, but I will not be put under general anesthesia, only "conscious sedation" - I'm not sure what that means but I sure as hell hope I am just barely conscious because I still do not do well with needles or getting cut on. However, I'm super excited because this will mean no more painful needle stabbings to get blood, or insert an IV - and after my chemo and week at the hospital, I have bruises all over from that stuff. V. exciting.

I have so much enjoyed this week, actually having energy to do a little shopping, go to happy hours and out to dinner a few times. I think next time I am in my 3rd week I may try to actually do some exercise so my body doesn't get totally out of it. We'll see how it goes though.



  1. Hey Amy - Now you're talking - those Margaritas will keep u happy :) So glad u have good energy and setting great goals. Keep up the good work! Hi to mom for me -
    luv ya,
    Aunt Marti

  2. feliz cinco de mayo! i'm glad that you were able to have a margarita. i hope all of the tests go well. love!

  3. Amy, conscious sedation is actually pretty cool! You appear (sometimes) to be aware, but you won't remember anything. PLUS you feel pretty darn good when you "wake up." Like you just had the best nap ever. I even look forward to colonoscopies because they use conscious sedation - like versed or some other yummy drug. haha!

  4. Lucky you can enjoy the booze! I couldn't at all during AC, but you are on the drugs I am on now, and I drink all I want :) Except chemo days, don't want to overload the liver too much... Glad you are feeling better, and enjoy the port, it makes a a huge difference when you get chemo :)

  5. Yea, I agree. Port is good.. Is it a power port?? I am sure everything is going to be ok.

  6. FYI- Cinco De Mayo was celebrated for a battle that Mexico won against the French.

    Love you!!

  7. Hey Guys - the "conscious sedation" was pretty cool once they gave me enough drugs... they definitely underestimated the first time oh well. I guess with everything I'm a little more tolerant of pain meds than the average person hah. Kenji - I don't think they gave me a power port, I kept trying to ask about it and none of them seemed to know - I think they have a standard chest port they use since I'm with Kaiser. Do you have a power port?? do you like it??
