Friday, April 30, 2010

I win!

Hi Team,

Still in the hospital, but actually have enough energy and time awake to post on here now. Sooo... good news! Today my total white blood cell count was 2000 and my nutrophils were 580! That's right, I hit the major road block to me going home. V. exciting, as I have been really not enjoying spending the week in the hospital. I did have a temperature yesterday morning, but haven't had one since, and if I can just keep that up, I will break out of here tomorrow morning.

I will definitely try to get a port installed before my next chemo, this hospital ordeal with all the blood tests, cultures and iv's has left me with very few places left to draw blood that aren;'t already all stabbed and getting bruised. Also the oncologist on call at the hospital told me the next time I do chemotherapy I will also need to do Neupogen shots, probably for 7 days in a row. This will help increase my white blood cell count ahead of time and hopefully keep me out of the hospital next time. Lets cross our fingers!!

My biggest complaint with hospital-living is mostly that the "nutrition" they provide is clearly for sick-care and not for health care. It took me 3 days just to get them to actually give me meals with no dairy in them (I've been allergic to dairy for 4-5 years now) then they actually hooked up a phone in my room - the dietician says "I've been trying to call you" and I said "Yes I haven't had a phone." so I wont go through our whole conversation because it would be incredibly boring but I kid you not actual choices from the hosptial dietician included fried chicken, a hot dog, chocolate chip cookies and peanut butter and jelly on white bread. Seriously lacking some nutritional value. I did get the pb&j though.

Love you all,


  1. Great to hear that you are going home, hopefully to some better meals. We miss you and hope you feel better soon.

    Love Emily and Russell

  2. I'm so happy to hear that you are feeling better! It is amazing how awful hospital food is both for taste and nutrition. It sounds like a great idea to get a port.

  3. Hi Amy...I hope that very soon the double doors of the hospital flap happily at your departure, as you move on to yummy, nutritious meals, your comfy bed at home with that wonderful support team surrounding you. Much love and aloha from Karen MacIsaac and your old Aikido instructor Sharon Gilbert

  4. Glad to hear things you're busting out! I got the download from Rosie this morning.. Save me a PB&J if you can! ;) Will your port be a 10/100 or a Gigabyte? Sorry had to Geeky.. You know me... Take Care, your in our prayers and thoughts!!

  5. Totally agree with you about the food. Luis always brings me food because I don't do dairy or meat either. Enjoy your neupogen shots, but do ask your doc for a script for a painkiller before you go home, because the pain hits you about 8 hours later and a hot bath helps but doesn't make it go away. Everyone is different of course, you might not notice, but neuopogen's bone pain is notorious.

  6. Yeah! So glad you're back! It was great of Monika to fill us in - sorry I've not been on for awhile. I can hear the tone in your note how much better you feel - just knowing you will be getting out soon:)
    Luv ya and thinking of u all the time.
    Aunt Marti

  7. Amy, when my dad was in the hospital last summer, they somehow "forgot" he was diabetic and gave him pancakes with syrup and butter for breakfast. Somehow the message got through. The next morning he was given a small bowl of cereal a cup of yogurt. I guess they forgot he was a 6'4" 230lb. man, and not a teenage girl. I hope you get out of there soon! -Elizabeth

  8. Great News Amy,

    Im so glad to hear that your numbers are improving and that you are feeling better. Hope you are out of there soon and don't have to eat the wonderful hospital food anymore. -David

  9. YAY GOOD NEWS!!!! I LOVE GOOD NEWS!!! Keep it coming!

  10. dad says: Yaaaaay I'm so happy you're out!! Now maybe we can talk! Let me know. I didn't have bone pain with neupogen and it did make me feel a whole lot better. Learning to inject it into your belly is no big deal either. I did have it on my third cycle however, so it might be good to have those pain meds handy just in case.

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