Sunday, April 11, 2010

Let's Not be Wasteful

Amy cut off a lot of her hair.

And that was just the first snip!

We're debating what to do with it. Some options:

1. cat toy
2. make-up brush
3. duster
4. new wig for Cancer Barbie

Your suggestions?



  1. I love your new hairstyle. Like What Not to Wear, before and after.
    5. a rear view mirror ornament
    6. On Wed., have Kathleen die it red and it is a xmas tree ornament

    :) Love,Mom

  2. Hi Amy - it's aunt Marti. I love your new doo :)
    7. Put the hair in the back of a hat like a pony tail for possible future use.
    Sounds like you have the right spirit - we're rooting for you in New York!
    Luv ya,
    Marti, Dave & family

  3. Amy, The new cut is great. Have the hair she cut off made into a wig. Not kidding. They can do that. Probably expensive though. Just a thought. Love, Jan

  4. Thanks Aunt Marti! I will post new pics of the color on wednesday, after my Mugascan, I will go to the salon at 5pm and get the color. I have to say it's a little freedom not caring what I do with my hair now~ I might just find somethign I want to keep when it grows back! And Candice, I am sooo already over the cancer pink - RED all the way baby! ;)

  5. Lol, thanks Aunt Jan also - the hair looks like a lot but it's really just a big lock of it, not nearly enough for a wig - but I will take it with me when I look @ wigs and see what I can find that might be similar. We'll see what I find. Love, Amy

  6. The new do looks great Amy. I look forward to seeing the new color scheme as well. Take Care

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