Monday, April 19, 2010

One down, 5 more to go!

Hi Team,

Today was my first chemo infusion - had a great nurse who administered it at Kaiser - Diane, gave me and my posee (Anthony, Mom, Monika) lots of information on possible side effects and the wonders of modern day anti-nausea medications. I got all the good stuff and plan to take it all as perscribed so I can hopefully avoid any of the nausea.
First was an IV of benadryl, just in case of allergic reaction - this one made me kind of tired and woozy feeling, not too bad though. Next was about an hour and half of herceptin, then 45 minutes of taxotere (aka docetaxel), then another half hour of carboplatin. A quick flush of the vein with saline water and we were done! No major immediate side effects of any of that, mostly just wooziness from the benadryl, and at the end for some reason the saline really stung as it was going in, but for the most part pretty smooth.

Am definitely feeling a little tired right now, going to try to hold out for a little while longer then get a nice full night of sleep. Still have one more day of steroids, and starting tonight zofran every 12 hours to avoid nausea. The lovely pharmacists in the oncology lab (that must be a fun job, lots of chemicals to mix there!) also gave me compazine and ativan for use against any breakthrough nausea (meaning if it breaks through the zofran). They said the ativan is a sleep aid and anti-nausea all in one, similar to a valium w/ nausea meds. Great stuff! Hopefully I won't need too much of it, but we'll see - so far so good, but just the first few hours, I'm sure this stuff will take a while to soak in.

Off to bed early tonight!



  1. I'm glad that today went well. You are in my thoughts and I hope the medications help with the side effects.

  2. sleep tonight and get a good night's rest...zzzzz

  3. Keeping you in my thoughts Amy.

  4. Glad to hear that today went ok for you! Keep up your positive attitude :)

  5. you're definitely on my mind, my sweet amy! i'm sure that you're kicking cancer's ass as we speak. love you! em

  6. You are so brave! You are in my heart and on my mind. -Katie D.

  7. Dear Amy, You are such an amazing young woman. You have so many people who love you and are sending thoughts, prayers, positive energy to you, including all of us, Dean, Craig & Pearl Busching. Stay strong...

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